I have always wondered if Mahatma Gandhi was right in saying ‘an eye for an eye only makes the whole world blind’,but never really reached any conclusion.’Tit’ for tat,if nothing else,is at least quite an enticing option for Tat,but then,I am not Tat.Its unjust in a way,because its me who has been wronged,I am the one who should be seeking revenge,but its always Tat who gets away with the one thing i (and i am quite certain,most of you as well) have always craved for.Gandhi,therefore,realizing the fallacy of such revengeful ways,postulated his own way of dealing with with injustice.’Forgive and forget’ thus became a way of life in India.It was once said that the one trait characteristic of all humans is jealousy,and jealous we,jealous of Tat,for long reaping the fruits of our toils,resorted to ways less violent,and less energy sapping than the paths of violence.
And so we forgive everyday,and forget even more.Harsha Bhogle once said ‘public memory is very short lived in India’.Mr Bhogle,its not our fault,its the fault of our greatest vanguard,and our great forefathers.R K Narayanan once wrote,’things rarely change in little India’.And this is true for the entire nation.A recent documentary on the lives of Indians ‘Ghajjini’ does well to chronicle this forgetful nature of us,Indians.Amir khan really has a knack for capturing in his movies,the problem afflicting this great and well populated nation.But then,u cannot be blaming anybody else other than our forefathers,again,for Apna Bharat being one of the most densely populated countries in the world.Population,after all,is very much an outcome of human forgetfulness.
And therefore we forget,forget all that there is to be done,or can be done towards making this country one of the greatest nations in the world-netas forget their promises,’amlas’ forget their offices,people forget to flush after taking a piss(more so,if we are guest at somebody else’s),i forget all that i had studied the previous night in the examination hall,and professors forget to give marks.It is one big comedy of errors.and in this chain of partial amnesiac behaviour,it becomes all the more important that we learn to forgive.Or,how else,would netas contest elections again,how else would we piss again and more importantly,how else would we pass our examinations.After all,’to err is human,to forgive is divine’.
And thus we play Demi God,forgiving all the while,preserving both our eyes,and our heart in the process and depriving that great opportunist Tat of the opportunity of enjoying himself at the expense of others.But who the hell is Tat????
Ps:’Tit’ here means revenge and nothing else,so lay your mind to rest.
P.S:the Jammu Tawi train i had boarded at Bereilly on the 18th of this month met with an accident approximately about 10 kilometres from Varanasi,where a steel plate jutting out from one of the nearby electric poles chopped off the hands of 27 passengers sitting next to the window,or portions of their arms.However,the media,staying true to their Indian traits,forgot to mention them in any form of print or visual media.Whether this forgetfulness on part of the media was intentional,I know not.

nice blog
Tat means forgive :)
lol... Professors forget to give marks it is one big comedy of errors
good to have u back dan.....but really...they do.....i accept that i write so very little in my scripts that its virtually next to impossible to give me marks....but then.....nothing is impossible....right...if one tries....
nice blog
awesome template
keep blogging
Quite interesting post still trying to realize what tat stands for...
keep penning :)
good blog.....nice lines
good templates....
That was an interesting post.
Its true ... "to err is human,to forgive is divine". once again proved ! people do forget things so easily, thats the reason the same corrupt leaders rule us for decades !
nice flow...don't rest the pen :)
And I forget to comment.
so good to have u back on my blog.....and not really sure if u actually ever intended to comment....but u surely did forget to return my kurta...ar...if i may say....punjabi.....
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