I tell you,its really hard,and taxing as well,I mean blogging.Its not easy,trying to be funny all the time,and specially for a guy like me,who cannot write for his life.And whats more,I am obsessed with it,and I find myself trying to cook up punch lines all 24 hours-in my sleep,as I get up from bed,while taking a shower,even when performing my morning rituals(that's when I essentially give back to the world what I had taken from it the previous day),and that last one is the most disturbing,it can really ruin the rest of your day.And even with all this effort what I am able to come up with are mere lines-that are intended to be funny but are actually pretty lame,and sometimes,in bad taste.That's because I end up trying to crack jokes at things i shouldn't actually be.
But it seems like I am not the only weirdo out here.It seems like suddenly the entire world has gotten into one big race,with every one trying his brains out to appear weird.And i tell you,this race is no hundred metre sprint,it is a marathon.Nobody wants to be left behind-the Cool Guy suddenly loses his cool and leads out his chowkidars in a kuch kawaj infront of the media,then starts going in to bat with a sleeping pillow,the Uglies first go mad at the Monkey for going fishing(Buchanan thought that he was doing it for Lordie,who,supposedly,is a Mechho Bangali),and then,again,this time for drinking,and actually send him back home,so that he can have a few more sips.But the person who has suddenly taken the lead in the last few laps is our very own Shoeni Guija.On being asked by the police why he had done it,and,that too forcibly,Shoeni,whose lawyer is reportedly a very suave guy(as they all are,they make an entire life out of escaping through the back door or,as Nasiruddin in 3 Deewarein would say,patli gali) was quick with his retort ‘because she wold not let me do it otherwise’.Now thats some logic,cant argue with that.’But why did you need to do it at all?’Now,you cannot possibly reason with a man this unreasonable.Why?Haven't you heard about that opposite sex thing.But really,I think Shoeny should be sentenced to atleast life imprisonment.Really,he has shamed the entire acting community.Even 70 year old heroes get the girls they want,to sleep with them.And Shoeni was refused by his maid!Shameful for a hero.And what dearth has he of girls?I am certain there are hundreds of girls who would pay to get screwed by him.Really,he is an insult to human intelligence.
And I have received my first ever comment(actually,I received it about two weeks ago).And talking of weirdos,this guy actually has the time to not merely read my blog but even comment on it.But he is a real colourful guy,atleast his name suggests so.And he somehow found some sort of connection between my blog ‘Of blogs and pubs’ and ‘viral web 2.0 technologies’.And though I am not sure what that is,I believe i have produced my masterpiece(like you know,when you are working on something and produce results entirely different’).I must be a genius!What colourful imagination that guy has!thanks man!
And finished reading Nillohit’s ‘Tin Shomudro Satash Nodi’ and it was an entertaining ride,albeit,quite different from anything else i have read till date.So,my advice is,if you can find time,and the money,do give it a try,you wont be disappointed.That's it for now.Au Revoir.
GOP Rep. Fails To Mention Trump Negotiated 'Unfair' Trade Deals
Someone needs to tell Republican Rep. Jeff Van Drew who it was that
negotiated some of the trade deals he's now attacking as "unfair." Van Drew
made an a...
2 hours ago
serious bolchhi panu .. tui chaliye ja ... ar ad widgets laga kichhu blog tate huliye poisha kamabi ... ultimate quality ... chaliye jao
thanks.........tui kon avishek.....bujhlam na...magi ki?????
Inspiration is around where you least look for it be it in your daily antics or a word or phrase or an event.Keep blogging and the comments will come easily.
Thanks for your lovely comments on my blog.
I have added your blog on my blog roll hope thats ok.
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