Blogging is the happening thing these days.Almost everybody is taking to blogging(including yours truly) as if the entire world had been waiting for a piece of their mind.I remember the same thing happening with social networking some 5 years back.Everyone suddenly became so interested in socialising that in about a years time,we had more accounts than there were computers.And I,being the ‘trendy and hip’ person that I am,got myself an Orkut account.And boy,was it a good place to fritter away the hours.You could write endlessly about yourself,and myself,being the interesting person that I perceived myself to be,wrote about a page.Of course,there were always the nittywittys,who went with ‘surprise,surprise’(what,a chicken pops out of your mouth every time you open yours???),and sometimes,to show that they embodied ATTITUDE like nobody else ever did,went with,’my profile,my wish,kyon bolu???’.
And then came blogging,and people began to write about anything and everything that came to their mind.One of my friends actually wrote a full length essay on ATTITUDE.And there was this other blog,where a guy actually describes how he put the blessings of his dog to good use,by getting a rose to blossom on it.Al Gore must have been penguin dancing on reading the blog.And there was another blog,in which a guy rambles on endlessly about his failed affair,like we would be really interested.Please,can you spare us the annotations of your love life,you had a failed affair,big deal!I get dumped by girls every day.Do you find me writing about them?Just the other day I got dumped by a girl,who,blandly told me ‘you cant go out with me anymore’.Not like that,I cant.And so I insisted.My legs still hadn't parted me,how could she be so certain that I could not go out with her.But she was a girl ,and they always win.They have that intuition thing.Wish I could get some of that.
So,when I narrated this heart wrenching event to my friend,he took pity to my troubles and told me a good place to pick up girls.Pubs.
And so I went to a pub the next day,and sat their,having my drink,and somehow,managing to go completely unnoticed.I can swear a girl almost walked right through me,quite oblivious to my presence.So,I went back home and reported about the proceedings of that day to my friend.And he told me that I had done it all wrong,that I had to give some sort of signal that I was interested in a particular girl.And so I went the next day,back to the very same pub,this time though,accompanied by my friend,and sat there like an idiot,my eyebrows arching upward to meet my hairline everytime a girl looked in my direction.But nobody paid me any attention until a guy wearing a tee shirt and a ring on one ear,who was sitting right behind the girl I had been talking to in ‘Morse code’ all evening,walked right upto me and offered me a drink.That's when I decided to leave and rest on my bachelorhood.
And things rarely turn out as they are supposed to,and going by Murphy(not Eddy,the funny guy) ,they always turn for the worse.After Aila,one would have hoped for things to cool down a little in Amar Bangla.But the Firy Lady,well,she is getting hotter by the day(oh,dont take it otherwise),and she is singeing the Enlightened Lord in her fire.And after her mind numbing rendition of ‘kano korle erokom,nano’,now she is reportedly honing her guns against the enlightened lord’s proposed ‘3 days of continuous earth hour’,as soon as the aila had dissipated,with her rendition of ‘alo amar alo’. And she also has a solution for the flood problems,unleashed upon vast areas of rural Bengal by Aila in,’Ai mere watan ke logon,zara ankh mein bharlo pani’(now that's one sure shot way of dealing with the flood problem).And to give her idea some momentum,she performed the song to rapturing applause on national television.Man,I really envy her,is she talented or what!She is a brilliant singer,she is an awesome painter(though this talent finds vent only in presence of media persons and in public places),she can go without food for who knows how long(who can forget her famous’ami mudi khabo na’, and she actually did go without mudi and telebhaja for a full month) and i am sure,with time,we will get to know that she does a lot more than mere ‘Rajniti’.And she has reportedly paid back Alu in his own currency,over his remark that she would sink the ‘ku jhik jhiks’,saying ‘o jodi alu khae to ami alur chop khai.’
And she has announced a 2lakh compensation package for the afflicted,but was quick in adding’I know money can never compensate for life’.And i don't want to look like running an ‘aids awareness programme’ here,but now we know why these aids never reach the afflicted.What a leader!so much said in so few words.
Currently reading Nillohits ‘Tin Shomudra Satash Nodi’,and though not a big fan of Sunil Gangopadhyas alter ego,I have taken quite a liking to this one though and will let you know about it when I finish.Also finished reading Veronika Decides To Die.Will let you guys know about both the books in my next blog.Until then, stay away from pubs,cause I tell you,they are dangerous.
Greg Gutfeld ‘Jokes’ Rep. Jasmine Crockett Is A ‘Ho’
Greg Gutfeld brought his mean-spirited MAGA comedy (is there any other
kind?) to his opening monologue Wednesday night. It was no surprise that
all his s...
50 minutes ago
I really couldn't understand what this blog was about. Was it about your heartbreak, was it about the viral web 2.0 technologies or was it a demo of how to pick up guys in a pub. I mean, for god's sake, is writing something just for the sake of it so necessary...
its about everything i see happening around me..........which some may find more interesting than viral web 2.0 tech,or you know....linux......
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