‘You have made a considerably wise decision,you cannot possibly go wrong with Shree charma’.’Will they last long?’.’As long as you’.He was right,one could not possibly go wrong with Shree Charma,they had become real big,were all over the place,in news papers and roadside hoardings.I had made a considerably wise decision,and if my hands so permitted,I might have even patted myself.What more,the shoes even came with a one year warranty.And I returned home happy,happy at having made such a wise decision and at having saved myself a few bucks.Those Kata shoes may be good,but they are anything but cheap.
It was only the next morning,as I walked my first paces in my brand new shoes(some say 'moch mochie'),that I realized,to full extent,the implications of the salesman’s words.The shoes were so heavy,I could barely lift my feet,and my knees felt like coming off.It was then that I realised that the shoes would surely outlast me,because if I walked any more in those shoes,I would not certainly last much longer.But I kept walking in those shoes,to scared to ask for money for a a new pair of shoes.But when I could take it no longer,I somehow summoned up the courage,walked up to my mother and explained everything to her.And she immediately let rip,giving me a dose of her ‘opodartho,okalkushmando...’.And I have no idea how I can possibly be that.I was born in January,and pumpkin,as far as I know,is very much a winter vegetable.So a mere kushmando maybe,but no way an ‘okalkushmando’.But try telling that to them and the next thing you find is a broom sticking up yours.Its very true what they say-‘The hand that sweeps the floor brooms the world’.
Or ‘The hand that brooms the world keeps it clean’.Almost everybody including celebrities,school students and any body else who can wield a broom has taken to sweeping,or brooming the city clean.We even had an imported sweeper in Sweepy Waugh(everybody knows,imported sweepers are a lot better than their Indian counterparts).Gone are the days of yore,when the broom used to be a powerful weapon in the hands of the Lolonas(tor mukhe jhata mari,mukhpora minshe).Those were the days when the broom went shoulder to shoulder with another powerful weapon of hubby destruction,the Bonti.But the lolonas of today seem to have found chotipeta a more potent weapon than jhatapeta(mainly because of the slipper's ready availability).But the broom has found new ares of use,forsay,in literature(jhatar moto gof).Jhat or Jhata is one of the most popular nicknames doing the rounds in college circles these days.in every college,in every year,there's atleast one ‘Jhata’(there was one Jhata in our year,who,on top of being Jhata,as if that wasn't enough torture,was unlucky as hell.).And the Firy Lady is reportedly so addicted to sweeping,that she has been sweeping every election for the past one year.And much before Ratane Ratan Chene’s Nano vision,Hori Poddar had given us the cheapest means of air transport,the Broom.And after having lost all faith in the politicians,and probably inspired by Shukanta’s ‘pranpone a prithibir sorabo jonjal’,people have rediscovered the magic of the broom,and have taken to brooming the city clean in a big way,or,may we say,grooming it into Kollolini Tilottoma.
And talking of grooms,guys get ready,because Hawas Ki Pakhi is getting all maidy.Yes yes,running in all television sets near you,presenting ‘Aap ki Pakhi’.So guys,suit up(or down,don’t know which way she prefers it),because Pakhi can be all yours.All you need to do is,keep faith in Kamran Asami's famous 'jibhe prem kore jei jon,sei jon sebichhe Ishwar'.
Note:Marrying Pakhi is subject to market risks.Please read the offer document carefully before committing.That's it for now guys,bye,see you later.
Greg Gutfeld ‘Jokes’ Rep. Jasmine Crockett Is A ‘Ho’
Greg Gutfeld brought his mean-spirited MAGA comedy (is there any other
kind?) to his opening monologue Wednesday night. It was no surprise that
all his s...
1 hour ago
lol...nice post...wat i liked most was d ending...nd the note was intriguing...
keep up the good work bro...nd keep blogging..
chk out mine..
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