Was out the whole day today(now,that means something entirely different in NIT),so didn't have the time or the opportunity to catch up on my latest obsession.But really,after Aila evaded Kolkata by a mere 50 kms(i don't know how that is,i can almost swear he was here yesterday),I switched on my television,first thing in the morning(mine starts at 9am),and,lo.there was the Kolkata meteorological department predicting showers the whole day today.And I immediately switched off my television,made plans for the whole day,got dressed and went out.Wow Guldar,during his tenure,had baught a lot of instruments that would help him predict the weather better,but,the weather gods,well,they must have been really pissed with him that the skies pissed on every sunny day he predicted.
And talking of wet weather,well,one person i think should not venture out in this kind of weather and its our very own Firy Lady(now,i could have gone with ‘Lady On Fire’,but i guess that would have been just plain rude,and rather moderately,could have called her ‘Hot Lady’,but i guess that would have been plain obscene’).And just as I was starting to worry about her,there she was on television,and common sense had prevailed,she had decided against going to Delhi.No use getting your fire doused by Aila.And talking of her,I now know who the largest buyer of second hand cars is.Its again,our very own Firy Lady(she went to meet the prime minister in a car which was allegedly,running its last yard.And you talk of her of not being in favour of industrialisation,get a life.i think she feels some real mamta towards these cars.And man,is she sympathetic towards the common people!)
But i think things are not as easy for her as people think them to be.She is up against an equel opponent ,who is equelly powerful,our Enlightened Lord.But I don't think,he can bring the Goodbyes back to Kolkata.’Nera beltolae akbari jae’(now i cant translate that into English for you).But dont think he is lagging behind in anything.He set up a disaster management cell as soon as the storm had blown over(now,if that's not foresight,then what is??).He may not have any maya,mamta or karuna in him,but he more than makes up for it in foresight.what a leader!!!!
And Indians can be proud of themselves once again(no,no,Vikas Dhorasu is not playing for France again).After SARS and bird flu,now its swine flu who hasn't had the courage to infect us.Are we really that stingy,that even viruses wont attack us?But really,what kind of a person contacts swine flu.Suar Ke Bachche,we call them(for yo Americans,it means a piglet).
And Federer seems to have started off quite well in the French Open.But sadly,and quite ominously,so has Mr Itchy Back(now we know what problems wearing tight pants can cause,they can embarrass you in public.He doesn't have much problem with it though,he puts his back hand to good use).But the player who,i think,had it easiest,probably was the Rod.Man was he a Hot Rod yesterday,he was on fire.And all i can say is,his opponent had a ride on the Rod,and he did not like it one bit though(which convinces me that he will never make it as a singer).
Well,finished reading Sirshendus Banshiwala,and I don't know how many of you will be interested in it,but it was really good.not his best though,but brilliant storytelling again,and theres that characteristic humour,all very much present.
Last heard,our Pyare Mohan had wanted FullMonty as his lead actor,but as i hear it,the part has now gone to Poor Knob,with wholesome support from Jenny(the Gadhi Bahu).
Mike’s Blog Round-Up
On this day in 1985, the Liverpool group Dead Or Alive reached #1 after 17
weeks on the UK chart with “You Spin Me Round (Like A Record).”
Mahablog: Too...
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