Well well,what a final we had yesterday,and as always,the team i was supporting ended up on the wrong side.Though i was half expecting it this time.It infact,has happened so many times,that i possibly could come up with a conspiracy theory that the results are so fixed to prove me wrong,if i had better opinion of my judgment.Even Mr Right could not prevent the side i was supporting from ending up on the wrong side in a WC final.And the Beodas sure did choke on the marrow,and what a match to do it in.and Mr Gillidanda,immaterial that he failed with the bat,the man has some real balls(oh,no,don't take this the wrong way),he sure has,and the way he lead his team,got them charged up,i mean,u gotta hand it to him.But not to be forgotten is that man,Crumble,what a leader,to come in as the opening bowler,that required some balls.And this man did not merely have balls,he put them to good use,sneaking one past Gillidanda.
Though i kind of felt sad for Mr.Batliwala,but he has too many batlis to drown out the disappointment.And talking of batlis,there was a shot of him during the match which showed him having a drink and my mom was certain that he was having liquor.So much for being a liquor baron.
And what a closing ceremony we had.and that South African Idol,i mean,he was really good,and he got the crowd all worked up during the strategy breaks,just wish i could actually hear or make out what he was singing.All i saw him do was swing a lot.Some body got to tell him that there are cheerleaders for that.And talking of strategy breaks,i saw the batsman who was to come in next for the Beodas having a hit.Talk of being a pessimist.I saw some one complaining that we got to see more of Catty than Gillidanda after the match.I at least wasn't,to hell with cricket,how many matches have you seen with someone like Catty as a cheerleader,just wish Long Leg and Dimpled Junta had also been there.And i was totally satisfied after the finals,having got my dose of entertainment for the day.Just wished that Aila had been there.But you dont get everything in life do you.Just ask the Tweaker,how he gave up on Long Leg and went to Fine Leg(that's Long Leg's sister).You just don't get it all your way.
And finally,i got through(rather endured) reading ‘The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari’.And man ,was it a bore.I don't know how it got so popular,but easily the worst book i have read in a while.I actually found myself more interested in the Ferrari than the monk,but the author rambles on about the monk,and man,is he boring!
Federer starts off his French open today,and i am really hopeful this time.But i wish i hadn't been so hopeful about Federer's chances.
And a last word of thanks to Fake IPL Player,you really spiced up this years edition of IPL.That's it until the next post.Bye.
And if you haven't already read it,i advice you do.......
Mike’s Blog Round-Up
On this day in 1985, the Liverpool group Dead Or Alive reached #1 after 17
weeks on the UK chart with “You Spin Me Round (Like A Record).”
Mahablog: Too...
1 hour ago
Then U Should Support ur Opponent
He Will Really Lose
if i was supporting the opponent....then he wouldn't be the opponent any longer......
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