I think people should be a bit more careful when breaking news to others,I really think they should.I had just returned home and somebody on GTalk had left me a message ‘HI today is 100 years of science in INDIA..
and IISC is celebrating it with full glory spread this message to all your friends !!!ahoe the spirit of science and innovation...’.But I must tell you,and I must say I am ashamed to admit so,but I hardly cared,which was kind of reflected in my reply ‘so!’.And pat came the reply’don’t you feel proud?’.And that's when it hit me,the enormity of the occasion.And it hit me so hard that i almost bounced right off my chair and off the ground.But I was so much in awe of science then that all i could blabber out in my pain was,’gravity,thou heartless bitch’.And I was a proud man then,proud to be an Indian,and if anyones chest ever did swell up with pride,mine must have than,but i guess nobodys ever did.Man ,this was a big occasion.Can you believe it,its been 100 years that we have been walking around with test tubes,that even when the Goras had been been here,we were at it all the time,and they did never got a scent of things. Chak de India.Jai ho.We had taken hold of their testtubes and were doing our own mambo jumbo,right under their noses.
But whatever happens,it cannot possibly distract you from the big event today. Man,am i charged up today or what!Why?Was that a question?Are you Indian?I think not,then you wouldn’t be asking such questions.Today is the final of ‘Sabse Achha Kaun’ between the two biggest teams in the world,and I cant just wait for it to begin.No,they are not Indian teams,and I do not share any allegiance to either of the teams,but who cares!Its all over the newspapers,and the news channels,and on anybodys lips,who cares for this world,and they say its going to be a treat,and there will be lots of goals.I don't know what goal you can have in a football match,other than putting the ball in the net,and that counts upto just one goal,but the ‘whos who’ say it and i am going to believe them.
And they say we are going to see the two greatest players in the world, Beoda and Messy(though i was a little sad that they left out my Paternal Uncle,but if they say it,it must be so),and they are going to decide the fate of the match.But you know what i think?I think the beoda will emerge on top.I think the other player’s parents really messed up his future.Really,whoever names his child ‘Messy’?Doesn't matter however messed up one was as a child,you don't name him Messy.Its a huge burden to carry on ones shoulders,to be messy all your life,to live upto it.Learn from us atleast,theres so much to learn from us.We name our children Anit,and i tell you,that's a neat name,no way he is going to mess it up.Nay,i am certain Messy is going to mess it up today.i am certain ‘Alex Ka Bichhda Beta’(i dare not go for word by word translation of his surname,it sounds quite messed up.’FUR GU’.ha ha.nasty!)will have some plans to mess up Messy’s day.But i think you cant have gigs in a football final,that's just plain lame.
But the Beoda must be on his guard today,he may not be able to play as freely as other days,in case Big John turns up in the stands.I hear theres some bad blood between them,ever since Beoda kissed Beeps(now that's what i call a censored name) on the lips(ahoy,poetry),and i don't think Big John will get a better opportunity to mess up Beodas day.You should really be careful while fooling around with other peoples girlfriends,and this is no Rajpal Yadav,its Big John.So i think that kind of evens things out.So i think,it all boils down to those two guys,the Hulk and the Leftover(his mother actually named him’eto’,thats a weird thing to do).But yes, I really think they are going to be the deciding factors.They are real good players,and its time for them to show ‘whos who’.
And i am all charged up,who wouldn't be.Though I don't know the names of more than half the players on either side,and I have rarely watched either of the two teams play,and though I don't yet know which team to support,I can hardly sit still or hold a thought in my head.I think today is going to be a busy day for doctors.You know,we Indians get real emotional when foreign teams face off against each other in such big finals(doomed to the prospect of never participating in them ourselves).
Anyways,Fedex plays again today,so gotta rush.Thats it for now.
By the way,finished reading Sirshendus ‘Collage’,and it was not much of an absorbing read.So,nothing much to say.Bye.
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